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Healthier Muhallebi Recipe (Mahalabia) Milk Pudding


Muhallebi,⁣ also known as Mahalabia, is ⁤a‍ traditional Middle Eastern milk pudding that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is a simple yet delicious dessert that can be served warm or cold, making it a perfect treat for any occasion. However,⁢ many traditional recipes ‌for⁢ Muhallebi include ‌ingredients like sugar⁢ and cornstarch, which can make it less healthy. In ‌this article, we will provide you with our own healthier Muhallebi recipe that is not only delicious ⁢but also⁢ better‌ for ‌your health.

Health Benefits ⁢of Muhallebi:

Before we dive⁣ into the recipe, let us first understand why Muhallebi is a ​great​ choice for a dessert.⁢ This traditional‍ milk pudding is made with‌ a ⁣base of milk, which is a ⁣good ⁣source of calcium, protein, and‌ various vitamins and ⁢minerals. Calcium⁣ is essential ⁤for⁣ strong bones and teeth, while protein is crucial for building⁤ and repairing tissues in our body. Additionally, milk also contains potassium, magnesium, and vitamin D,‍ which all contribute ⁤to maintaining⁣ a healthy heart and immune system.

Moreover, Muhallebi is a ⁤gluten-free dessert, making ‍it a suitable option for those ⁣with celiac disease or ⁣gluten intolerance. It is also a light ⁤and low-calorie dessert, making it a great⁤ option​ for individuals trying to maintain a‍ healthy weight.

Our Healthier Muhallebi Recipe:


  • 4 cups of milk ‌(can use⁣ dairy-free milk like almond or coconut milk) ​
  • 2 tablespoons ‍of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch
  • ½ teaspoon of rose water ⁢
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Crushed pistachios ‌or almonds ⁤for garnish


  1. In⁢ a saucepan, heat 3 cups⁤ of milk on medium heat ‌until warm, but not boiling.‍

  2. In⁢ a separate bowl, mix the remaining 1 cup of milk⁤ with cornstarch until dissolved.

  3. Add the milk and ‌cornstarch mixture to the​ saucepan and‍ stir continuously until it thickens.

  4. Once⁢ the mixture thickens, ‍add honey, ​rose water, and vanilla extract and mix well.

  5. Continue stirring for an additional 2-3 ⁤minutes until the⁤ mixture has a⁣ pudding-like consistency.

  6. Remove from ⁤heat and let it cool ⁤for 5-10 minutes.

  7. Pour ⁢the mixture into serving bowls and let it set in the refrigerator for at⁤ least⁢ 2 hours.

  8. Serve chilled and ‍garnish ‌with crushed pistachios or almonds.


  • For a ‍creamier and richer taste, you can ‍use ​whole milk ⁢instead of low-fat milk.
  • Make ⁤sure to continuously stir the mixture ⁢to avoid⁣ lumps.
  • You can adjust the amount of honey according to your preference for ⁢sweetness.
  • To infuse more flavors, you can add cinnamon ⁣or cardamom to the mixture while heating the ‌milk.


    Muhallebi ⁢is a delicious and healthy dessert that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. With our‍ healthier Muhallebi⁣ recipe, you​ can ⁤indulge in​ this ‌traditional dish without worrying about its impact on your health. Feel free to experiment with the recipe‌ by adding different‌ flavors or toppings to make​ it your⁣ own.



    Case Study:⁤

    We spoke to Sarah, a⁢ regular client at NAW‌ Clinic, about her experience with our healthier⁢ Muhallebi recipe. Sarah shared, “I love Muhallebi, but ⁣I always felt guilty about indulging in it because I am trying to lose weight. However, when I tried NAW Clinic’s recipe,​ I was⁣ surprised at how delicious and guilt-free ‍it was. My kids loved it too,‌ and now it​ has become ​our go-to dessert.”

    First-hand Experience:

    At NAW Clinic, we have‌ been⁢ using this ⁤healthier ⁢Muhallebi‍ recipe⁢ for our ⁣clients ⁢who are ‍looking for ⁢a​ healthier ⁣dessert ​option.⁤ Our clients have reported positive ​feedback on both the taste and health benefits ⁣of this dish. We have also ⁣seen an increase in clients’ interest in our nutrition and dietary plans⁢ after trying this recipe.


    In conclusion, our healthier Muhallebi recipe is ​a simple and delicious way to ​enjoy this traditional Middle Eastern dessert without compromising⁣ on your health. With the usage of healthy‍ ingredients like ⁤honey and low-fat milk, this recipe is a must-try for anyone who loves a tasty dessert while ⁣also‍ paying attention ⁢to‍ their well-being. Remember to book ⁢a‌ free consultation with our natural health specialists at NAW Clinic for more information⁤ on maintaining a healthy​ lifestyle.

NAW Clinic

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Office +44 792 3481812

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