Lions Mane 4000mg HB 1

Lions Mane Complex 60 caps 4000mg

Are you familiar with Lions Mane yet? One of our clients recommended us to stock this supplement after he used it for a good while and really notices it is very beneficial for him. We now stock this high strength 4000mg Lions Mane complex supplements in our shop. It can be used by men and women. It has several benefits which you can look up but some are:

  • 1. Could protect against dementia …
  • 2. Helps relieve mild symptoms of depression and anxiety …
  • 3. May speed recovery from nervous system injuries …
  • 4. Protects against ulcers in the digestive tract …
  • 5. Reduces risk of heart disease … and more

It is  from the mushroom called Lions Mane but this supplement also contains Bacopa Monnieri, Guarana and with the power of Vitamins B6 and B12 to support psychological function, focus and energy. Allowing you to perform to your potential. This vegan friendly mushroom complex is also free from artificial fillers or bulking agents and backed by world class athletes.

Always consult your doctor if you use other prescribed medication to see if it is safe for you to use it in combination with this supplement.


Are you familiar with Lions Mane yet? One of our clients recommended us to stock this supplement after he used it for a good while and really notices it is very beneficial for him. We now stock this high strength 4000mg Lions Mane complex supplements in our shop. It can be used by men and women. It has several benefits which you can look up but some are:

  • 1. Could protect against dementia …
  • 2. Helps relieve mild symptoms of depression and anxiety …
  • 3. May speed recovery from nervous system injuries …
  • 4. Protects against ulcers in the digestive tract …
  • 5. Reduces risk of heart disease … and more
  • 6. It has potentially protective effects on the spread of Parkinson’s disease, another neurodegenerative disorder, according to animal research published in the Journal of Translational Medicine.
  • Several studies have found lion’s mane mushroom to potentially slow the progression or reverse the spread of cancer. We’ve named just a few benefits.

This product is from the mushroom called Lions Mane. But this supplement also contains Bacopa Monnieri, Guarana and with the power of Vitamins B6 and B12 to support psychological function, focus and energy. Allowing you to perform to your potential. This vegan friendly mushroom complex is also free from artificial fillers or bulking agents and backed by world class athletes.

Always consult your doctor if you use other prescribed medication to see if it is safe for you to use it in combination with this supplement.